I'm a Security Engineer working in the depths of the cloud. This is a personal website that contains most of the work I published and projects I have worked on over the past years. If not stated otherwise, these are spare-time projects I've created for educational purposes or just for fun.

Contact me either via one of the social channels above or via email (optionally PGP encrypted):


Projects I'm working on from time to time:


Tools that I have created and still maintain. They are either updated sporadically or might still be useful as they are (without further modifications):



Publications I have written or contributed to:

Security Advisories

Various public security advisories for random stuff I've found:


Fun little side projects that came up at some point:

Archived Projects/Tools

These projects/tools are not actively developed anymore. However, I left them here for reference, and maybe they will be useful for someone at some point. Feel free to open issues or send pull requests in any of these repositories, but expect delayed responses.